GDAL support for NETCDF groups is integrated in the GDAL main branch and tagged to be included in GDAL release 2.5. Additional functionality will become available in a next version. When your GDAL version does not support NETCDF groups, the sample product will be recognized as an HDF5 file. The GDAL HDF5 reader does not correctly parse the projection and metadata information. The examples below is using the developer’s version of GDAL with NETCDF group support.
Retrieve an overview of the file content:
> gdalinfo /Users/datauser/Desktop/products/groups/
Output 1:
Retrieve the projection, and attribute information for the unwrapped phase:
> gdalinfo NETCDF:"":/science/grids/data/unwrappedPhase
Output 2:
Generate a kmz from the unwrapped phase:
> gdal_translate -of KML SUPEROVERLAY -of KMLSUPEROVERLAY -scale -co format=png NETCDF:"":/science/grids/data/unwrappedPhase unwrappedPhase.kmz
Generate a crop of the unwrapped phase and store as ENVI file:
> gdalwarp -of ENVI -te 44.90 34.46 46.54 35.48 NETCDF:"":/science/grids/data/unwrappedPhase unwrappedPhaseCrop.dat
Generate a kmz of the cropped product:
> gdal_translate -of KMLSUPEROVERLAY -of KMLSUPEROVERLAY -scale -co format=png unwrappedPhaseCrop.dat ~/unwrappedPhaseCrop.kmz